2009年4月24日 星期五

Night Blue

One research mentions that long hours of night may increase the possiblity of melancholia.
I couldn't understand that because I prefer the silness of night.

Yesterady I left office early, and foud some support to above research.
I watched the scenery in taxi and was impressed by the fabulous beauty.
Watching the sunset made me peaceful and touched, making me happier.

I think I really need a vacation.
Need some space to breath.

2009年4月19日 星期日

0420 m3mo

hinder = limit
intervene (inter \vin)
vi. get involved / come between
My practice: The government intervened in local strick.

0419 memo

Researchers dismissed demographic bias becasue....
They rejected preservational bias because...
They ruled out local bias because...
The explanaiton they consider most plausible is....

controversial means "causing disagreement or discussion"
conventional means "traditional"

favor = support / approval of sth or sb.
in favor of
My practice: I'm in favor of realism.

an argument against another argument, idea, or suggestion
My practice: She uses a variety of counterargument to against my proposal.


prevalence of erratic weather pattern

2009年4月18日 星期六

Today's list of vocabulary - 0418

peril noun [C or U] FORMAL
1. great danger, or something that is very dangerous:
I never felt that my life was in peril.The journey through the mountains was fraught with peril (= full of dangers).
Teenagers must be warned about the perils of unsafe sex.
2 do sth at your peril to do something that might be very dangerous for you:
We underestimate the destructiveness of war at our peril.

perilous adjective FORMAL
extremely dangerous.

perilously adverb FORMAL

My practice:
Alchol abuse is perilous - alchol is addictive and pepople hardly abstain from it.

2009年4月17日 星期五

A new plan of reading

Usually, my taste of reading is easy to figure out - adventure, magic, romantic, realistic...etc.
It seems that I don't read functional book ,such as receipe and financial guide, or "tough" book, such as philosophy.
Therefore,I want to expand my taste and investigate new challange. So my plan is as below:

First,go to bookstore and pick a book I rarely like to buy.

Second, read it and try to find out some interesting points. For example, try to define the target market of this book, try to simulate the characteristics of the writer...etc..

Finally, go home and write a memo of this book. Try to write everything I remeber. If time is available, try to search some data and make a note.

This plan sounds interesting. Hope I can acchieve my goal-expand the view of life. :-)

2009年4月14日 星期二

The 5th flu in this year

Yes! I got a flu "again" last week.
Actually I've got 5 "differnet" types of flu since Chinese New Year vacation.
The sympotoms are throat pain and cough.

Ohh.... now is still April but I've already got flu "5" times. >"<

2009年4月12日 星期日


Recently, I'm really tired.
The most serious reason is that my work environment become worse and worse.
However, it's also a valuable chance of learning.
Think that how many times you can face this kind of chaos in the career, and how luckly that you can deal with chaos in your early life - no additional loading from your family, no extra opportunity costs.
I should be happy for that.

2009年4月6日 星期一

The power of laugh

When people become mature, usually they forget how to laugh.
In other words, it's more difficult to feel things arounds you interesting.
Is that because we are more greedy, not satisified easily, or just not like a child anymore?

Laugh really heal , withought doubt.
One research before shows that although you make a laugh on purpose, this "fake" laugh still can make you happier.

I know we're already adult; however, sometimes how about just pretend we were still children so that could laugh without any specific reason. I can't order my life, but I can decide which way I'd like to live my own life - happier views sounds like a sensible choice.

2009年4月4日 星期六

One thing if you could change in the world

If you could change one thing in the world, what would you do?

I would like to teach every one to respect and accept the difference between group, country, race...etc. Not only know this wisdome but also operate it throughly. Therefore, the world woudle be peace and less discrimination.

2009年4月2日 星期四

After "The Reader"

After watching the movie "The Reader", I can't stop thinking - many issues rising quickly in my mind.
How serious mistakes a person can make ? I don't know.
What's the real face of justice? I don't have any definition as clear.
What's the really fair punishment and who should process and permit? Maybe the equity is only a kind of imagination, I guess.

Life is kind of a journey not following your own will; like the sea always full of unstability.
You can't "order" the life you like, but hold the token on hand and try to grasp any chance passing through.
So I learn and understand that - forgive quickly, love without hesitating.